An American Pastor is being held in Iran’s most notorious prison – Pastor Saeed, a U.S. citizen, has been told that he “will hang” because of his Christian faith. And, now the Iranian government has put this case on the fast track – and scheduled a trial that’s just days away. After sustaining painful beatings…

The Iranian government is doing all that it can to discredit Christian Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani who faces death by hanging for his Christian beliefs. This weekend, more confusion at the hands of the Iranians. They were pushing reports that Pastor Youcef had been executed. Our sources in Iran quickly confirmed that those reports were false…

The U.S. House of Representatives today unanimously approved a resolution condemning Iran and calling for the immediate release of Christian Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani, who faces death by hanging in Iran because of his Christian beliefs. This vote in the House is very important. It sends a powerful message that human rights and religious freedom transcend political…

I want to thank FOX News and the numerous news organizations that have been reporting on Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani. In an interview today with FOX host Megyn Kelly, it became very clear that Iran is doing all that it can to politicize the case of this Christian pastor, facing death because of his religious beliefs.…

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