After failed attempts to get key documents in its investigation of the botched gun-running program known as Operation Fast & Furious, Congress filed a federal lawsuit in August urging a judge to force Attorney General Holder and the Justice Department to turn over critical documents in the case. There’s still many unanswered questions about the…

A meeting between Rep. Issa and Attorney General Holder is scheduled to take place late today. Here’s the question: will the meeting and the documents expected to be produced by Holder be enough to hold off a scheduled contempt of Congress vote against Holder set for tomorrow in the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee?…

It is a critically important week at the U.S. Supreme Court. In a term that includes several blockbuster cases, the Justices will hear oral arguments on Wednesday on the constitutionality of Arizona’s immigration law, S.B. 1070. S.B. 1070 made it a state crime to be in the country illegally and stated that an officer engaged in…

There is simply no basis in fact for the Department of Justice to review the lawful surveillance techniques used by the New York City Police Department (NYPD) since the devastating attacks of 9/11. These surveillance techniques have thwarted 14 known terrorist attacks in New York City. Last week, Attorney General Holder called the NYPD counterterrorism efforts “disturbing”and…

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