Last Friday’s standing-room only hearing before the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission was among the most dramatic I’ve witnessed.  There was outrage – outrage not just from me as I declared the State Department “AWOL” in our quest to free an American Pastor, Saeed Abedini — a U.S. citizen — captured by Iran’s Revolutionary Guard…

An American Pastor is being held in Iran’s most notorious prison – Pastor Saeed, a U.S. citizen, has been told that he “will hang” because of his Christian faith. And, now the Iranian government has put this case on the fast track – and scheduled a trial that’s just days away. After sustaining painful beatings…

It’s amazing. With social media dominating the Olympic Games in London, athletes have no shortage of ‘tweets’ they are sending. For some, it’s gotten them into deep trouble with offensive ‘tweets’ that resulted in removing them from competition. But there’s one athlete who has captured the world. Gymnast Gabby Douglas is excelling in the games…

Millions of people around the globe are calling for the release of Christian pastor Youcef Nadarkhani, who faces the death penalty in Iran because of his Christian faith. As you already know, we continue to work in this country and abroad to secure his release. There are millions praying for his release from jail, where…

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