Doing Life Together

I have this really big assignment due. It’s going to take me lots of concentration and tedious work to get it done. Honestly, I don’t want to do it and I have been procrastinating. Daily, I find lots of distractions and more interesting ways to spend my time. But in the back of my mind,…

You’ve got a final exam or you have to give an important presentation to the agency that could give you a promotion. There is so much to study and so much at stake.  So you decide to pull an all nighter. Cram a bit more, review the important points of your presentation. Exhausted, you’ve had about…

It’s not always easy to find people on whom you can depend. We look to family, friends and the church to be dependable. We want them to be true to their word, follow through with commitments and help meet needs during times of difficulty. Unfortunately, these sources let us down. No person, church or family…

Reader Question: I would say that my husband is a type A (driven, structured) personality and both of our children are more like me, type B (relaxed, easy going). At times, this combination of personalities can be challenging. Do you have suggestions as to how to keep things calm but moving forward in our household?…

Mom. I’m bored.  Isn’t it great. Just feel that boredom. What? I need something to do!  OK, what do you think that could be?  I don’t know, I’m just bored.  I’m sure you can think of something. And sometimes being bored is OK.   This was my response when my children complained about being bored. It turns out,…

When Adam and Eve sinned, they were ashamed of their nakedness. Sin resulted in fear and hiding and a condemnation of their natural state. Adam and Eve’s new found knowledge of good and evil brought them anxiety in their naked identity. On their own, they tried to cover their nakedness and not feel shame but…

Much of my therapy practice was spent helping women deal with mother-daughter issues. Whether the relationship was great, terrible, or somewhere in between, mother-daughter relationships are powerful and partially define who we are. It is such an important relationship so don’t ignore it. The more you work through issues with your mom, the better all…

Parent Question: Our son does get angry, but don’t all kids? He was suspended from school and we don’t want to overreact or minimize problems. He says he hates school and doesn’t want to be told what to do. The teachers have complained about his anger and we have trouble getting him to follow directions…

Is one of your life goals to be content? If so, you may find it difficult to reach that goal given the culture in which we live. Daily, we are bombarded by media messages to never be satisfied with what we have. To be happy, we are told we need more stuff, more power, more…

We are back in school! And the U.S. Department of Education has informed schools as to how they should both identify and assist students with ADHD (Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder).Frankly there seems to be a lot of misunderstanding when it comes to this disorder. So let’s take the ADHD quiz and see how well you understand…

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