Doing Life Together

Sara is only 12. Selfie posting on social media is a daily event. Her parents wonder why she takes so many pictures of herself? Is this an indicator of narcism? Should they be concerned? These parents aren’t alone. Most of us wonder, what is the connection between selfies and narcissism? Researchers are trying to sort it out since selfies are here to…

When you struggle with your mental health, do you think, ‘Take a pill?” Drug companies want you to have this thought. Think of all the commercials aimed at improving your life through medication. But are all these pills really the answer to better mental health? After so many years of drug development and the availability of so…

The flame has been lit. Our athletes are in Rio competing in the summer Olympics. And it is all about competition. We Americans like to win and rack up the gold metals. Yet it seems like competition has become a dirty word. These days, we give trophies for participation, ribbons for effort and don’t want…

Do you ever wish you could change your personality? Maybe you would like to be more outgoing, agreeable, or flexible in the way you handle life. Perhaps you see your shortcomings and think, “I’d like to make some changes and be a different and improved person. I’ve got my stack of self-help books! I’m ready!”…

Have you ever dealt with chronic pain and needed some relief? If so, you aren’t alone. The Institute of Medicine estimates that at least 100 million adults suffer from chronic pain. That includes more people than those who have cancer, diabetes and heart disease combined! Chronic pain typically originates from injury or disease but can…

Turn on the news, listen to the headlines and then consider the stress in your daily life. It can all be depressing. In difficult times, we need to know how to stand in the face of stress and change. This is called resiliency-that ability to bounce back from adversity and handle life. For years, researchers wondered if resiliency…

Have you ever felt afraid because someone is trying to defeat you, speaks evil of you or has a target on your back? Do you want to face adversity with confidence and know that God sees all your grievances? Psalm 56 is a prayer for relief from people who torment. David is on the run from the…

If you ask, one out of three teens say they feel psychologically distressed. And the number of teens who report signs of depression and anxiety that reach a clinical level has increased in the past few years. So is anything new or different that seems to be creating additional angst in the teen years? Yes, we have…

Has it ever struck you that watching politics is like watching The Bachelorette? Get ready for reality TV at its best! Last Friday, after the Republican convention ended, I was listening to Morning Joe on the radio on my way into work. Mika was on a tirade about Trump and policy. Joe fired back about the hypocrisy of…

Jealousy, the green-eyed-monster that makes us green with envy! We all have moments when we feel jealous. But if jealousy persists, you need to work on letting it go. The root of jealousy is usually insecurity. We aren’t confident and fear we may lose something or someone. This insecurity can rear it’s ugly head in the…

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