Doing Life Together

Once a year, we celebrate love on Valentine’s Day. Most of us will make dinner reservations, buy cards and gifts to express our love and appreciation for that special someone. But after the celebration, how does romance fare the rest of the year? Are you keeping love alive post February 14th? Honestly, it is easy to…

“You are nothing but a narcissist and I can’t take it anymore. The constant focus on self, the lack of empathy for my feelings, your need to be admired, thinking you are special…this relationship is making me feel like I am crazy. You belittle me, manipulate to get your way, and you are always right!” The person above is…

Have you ever wanted something intensely and pursued it whole heatedly? If so, would you say you were ambitious? For the person of faith, the different between ambition and humble service can be a fine line. Take the example of Paul and Barnabas in Acts 14. They healed a man at the temple who had been crippled from…

The big game is over. Whether you liked the outcome or not, Tom Brady is one quarterback who stays calm under pressure. He has shown this over and over in his long football career. It may be 40 seconds to go in a game. Brady has the ball down in his own part of the field.…

Are you looking at your nineteen-year-old and wondering when he will start “adulting?” He needs to wash his own sheets and go to bed before 11:00p.m.! And he definitely needs a full time job. You think, will he will ever leave home? A part of you likes seeing him at family dinners and another part is…

We all know the child who can’t sit still, is impulsive and easily distracted. And we repeatedly hear that the numbers of children diagnosed with ADHD continues to rise. As we think about why this is so, have we considered the role of sleep? Could it be that sleep problems look a lot like ADHD? Given how stressed,…

When someone in a relationship has a narcissistic personality disorder, it is quite challenging. Who wants to be with a person who thinks he is always right or consumed with his own issues? In fact, relationships often end because of the lack of attention to the other person. The characteristics of the disorder make relationships…

Today we honor the life of Martin Luther King, Jr. and his contributions to American society. Of the many things he accomplished, he may be best known for promotion of non-violence during protests. And he certainly advocated love over hate. How are we doing living out his words? Our scorecard isn’t good. Maybe today we can…

We all make mistakes, right? Marital arts guru Bruce Lee once said,“Mistakes are always forgivable, if one has the courage to admit them.” When you admit mistakes, you can learn from them. As we begin the new year, maybe we should resolve to avoid repeating mistakes of the past. Here are a few you don’t want…

Why is change so hard? We have great intentions and want to improve our lives. We start out very motivated, but then seem to fail to do the very things we want to do. Why is this? Consider these 7 reasons. For one thing, change is uncertain and often makes us uncomfortable even when it is…

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