Depression Help

I wrote an article about Barbara Swanston  3 years ago. Barbara Swanston is a suicide awareness advocate. What she does is as relevant and important today as it was then when it comes to dealing with the suicide of a loved one. How do you talk about the suicide? How do you find closure? Or do…

  The loneliest number isn’t one. You can be all alone, and not be lonely. You can be a hermit and feel loved by the Universe and joyful for being alive. One of the most common misconceptions about loneliness is that it’s about the number of friends you have or having people around you. Loneliness…

Getting old doesn’t mean you should be depressed. In my previous post Old and Depressed: The Not So Golden Years, I mentioned five causes of elderly depression. Sadly though, many old people suffer with depression. Grief, leaving home for a nursing home, adult kids who don’t seem to care, complications with health related issues. These are…

  Chinese herbs for depression have been used for thousands of years. Chinese herbs to treat depression and anxiety come in various forms – as dried plant parts, pills or capsules, or as powders. Only a small portion of what is used in Chinese traditional medicine is actually known or used by Western medicine. Traditional…

What is Avoidant Personality Disorder? Avoidant personality disorder (AVPD) is a real and serious mood disorder. Most of AVPD is caused by trauma. Some of the key ways to tell if you have avoidant personality disorder is: continued feelings of inadequacy extreme fear of being rejected, ridiculed, disliked or criticized feeling socially inept or awkward even…

We all want to be happy. But many of us think happiness is out of our reach, beyond our control. That if you want to be happy you have to work really hard for it. But that’s not true. Being happy doesn’t always take a lot of work. It can come from simply being in the…

Your crown chakra is important when it comes to depression. If your crown chakra is out of balance, depression is one of the side effects. The crown chakra The crown chakra connects you to higher levels of consciousness. It helps you to go beyond your busy mind and be one with the divine energy. Physically,…

  Clutter impacts your mental health. The impact of hoarding on your mental health is that it causes parts of your brain that deal with pain and conflict to go berserk. Instead of leading a life that feels positive and calm, hoarders feel psychological pain. The hoarder’s brain A hoarder’s brain sparks into action when he…

What is it with men and sorry? I have a male family member who has a really tough time saying, “I’m sorry.” Oh sure, he might feel sorry for saying or doing something. But to hear him say the actual words is a rare thing. Men and Sorry According to researchers at the University of…

  Is your cat stressed out? Cats can be stressed by many things. One of them is your own anxiety and emotional state. When you’re stressed, your cat is stressed. When you’re depressed, your cat can become depressed. What can you do to help your stressed out cat? Stressed out cats Cats are empathetic animals. That…

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