A FOX insider has  told Hollywood Reporter that Nicki Minaj will be tapped as a judge on the next season of American Idol. Apparently Keith Urban isn’t far behind signing up as a judge on the reality competition show, either. From a recent blog post in which I ripped her male dancers for flaunting a…

At 6’5, 275 pounds and often flashing a gap-tooth grin former New York Giants star Michael Strahan is hard to miss. He’ll be even more difficult to miss soon when he takes over as Kelly Ripa’s co-host on ABC’s Live. The decision was released Tuesday and Strahan will take over the gig Sept. 4, which…

After seeing her perform on Wednesday’s Today Show I am not heartbroken over Nicki Minaj’s cancelled tour. I am sorry, but I’m not. As if it’s not bad enough that most female performers are scantily clad/too sexily dressed therse days. Minaj took things to another level with what her MALE dancers were wearing. The male…

He was mocked, disrespected and even accused of being the “real” president. But let me tell you something … Vice President Dick Cheney was NEVER a joke, nor did he treat his job like one. Cheney, led by his “boss” President George W. Bush, helped this nation get through the post 9/11 period with grace,…

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