The Bliss Blog

I was an inquisitive child who asked a ton of questions, and in adulthood, my mother told me that my sister never had to ask because I did it first. Many of them were about sex and most were at the dinner table. According to my dad, he would blush and say to my mom,…

  On Memorial Day, 2021, like many, I came out of self-solituding into a crowd celebrating the ability to gather following a year unlike any other most of us have lived. When the pandemic began, I stayed home except to make a few shopping recons. My grandson was born on January 21, 2020, which was…

    I read this book on New Years’ Day 2021, after a year that brought with it, turmoil and tragedy, as well as heartening news about people who, sometimes at their peril, continued to do good in the world. The opening quote in the book speaks to that intention, that we all fulfill our…

  I know it’s hard to imagine that there is anything to celebrate about 2020 except that it is coming to a close. In 14 hours, as I am typing these words, the ball will have dropped in Times Square with the only audience virtual. The cheers will go up as the orb comes down.…

  A little background for those who have not read my blog here is in order. I was raised in Judaism, attended synagogue with my family, went to Hebrew School until I was 16, and became a Bat Mitzvah at 13. The religion was also practiced in our home, with the lighting of the Shabbos…

For many of us in the U.S., this marks more than six months that we have been in quarantine. I refer to it as ‘self solituding’ and the experience has been both terrifying and comforting. In mid-March, as the buds were beautifully blossoming, I was turning inward, attempting to wrap my mind around the possibility…

Music has the power to delight, to entertain, to soothe, to uplift, and to heal. In this particularly trying time, when the world is awash in chaos and off the charts unpredictability, it provides additional magic mojo. I  have a friend named Robin D. Brackbill who has been doing amazing karaoke covers of well-known songs…

Since the self-solituding began for me five weeks ago, I find myself in the delicate balance between sheer terror and complete faith that all is well, even if it looks like the farthest thing from the truth. Having been through major losses (my husband, both parents and two dear friends in the past 21 years),…

The Coronavirus is wreaking havoc in people’s lives in unanticipated ways. Voluntary semi-quarantine, which I am engaged in now, except to go to work and have the occasional visit with my son, daughter in-law and newborn grandson has become a familiar experience over the past week. I am symptom-free and hopefully, virus free and will…

  I wrote this poem seven years ago and it showed up in my Facebook feed this morning. The Door to Joy The door to joy stands always open to usher through each weary soul Whose feet have traversed the rocky path, sometimes stumbling Wondering if they will ever arrive or be destined to travel…

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