Because This Is Your Life

How can the very thing someone says they want actually be the same thing they don’t want… While at the same time they know this as it’s actually happening. And interestingly it involves two words which seem to be the complete opposite of each other…that at times are actually the same as each other too.…

How can something that every person wants also be the same thing they quite often go against? How can we understand why something so simple is just as easily (if not more) difficult… While also being the same thing that is building and destroying people’s lives as we know it? And the fascinating part… You…

A man left work in the late afternoon on a Tuesday. He got on the subway train for his usual one hour and ten minute ride home. On this particular day he thought he would catch up on some work. So he pulled out a proposal he’s been working. Since the subway train was about…

How can something you’re able to hear so clearly also be completely deafening at the same time? How can there be a tug of war of voices going on in your mind that are each pulling you in the opposite direction…even when you know one is “good” and the other is “bad?” Ironically, the answers…

What happens during a boxing match? Well if you’re like me perhaps you aren’t a big fan of the sport…and quite possibly not a fan at all. However, my favorite movie of all time is based on a boxer…Rocky starring Sylvester Stallone. Whether you like the movie Rocky or not, there’s a powerful message in…

There’s something which occurs when you’re alive that most people think only happens after you pass away… While at the same time is thought to not happen during the time you are alive. In one case it’s wishful thinking. In the other case it’s what life is all about. It’s what makes up the true…

There’s something taking place right now as I write this that was unheard of not too long ago. Not only that but this is something that’s on the rise… And is safe and beneficial on one hand but very unsafe and dangerous on the other. What I’m referring to is the happiness movement. And most…

There was this young boy who found himself in the most unusual place looking to learn the most powerful skill of life. This young boy was searching for an older and wiser man who would teach him this most powerful skill. What he found instead was a dreary looking swamp land and a midget cartoon…

Is it possible that something which looks little is actually big? When it comes to the town you live in the answer is…yes. And the same is true for the neighborhood you grew up in. Let me explain… Back in July 2013 I went to visit family in New Jersey. While there I had the…

I’m sure you are very well aware of all the “reality” shows that have been on TV. I personally do not watch TV but I am still aware of all the “reality” shows that are being aired. In fact there was a reality show that did begin airing back in 1992 called “The Real World.”…

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