Every night a vast resource hidden in the night can open the door to solve problems, improve creativity, provide life direction and give advice on relationships and health.  For millennia dreams have been used to divine the future, understand the past and explore solutions to real problems.  The modern sewing machine invented by Elias Howe…

We gain strength, and courage, and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face… we must do that which we think we cannot. —Eleanor Roosevelt One of my teachers repeated, “Love my uncertainty.” Uncertainty has always been very difficult for me to embrace. I like to know what’s…

July 4th or Independence Day, marks a symbolic separation from burdens and outer controlling forces. More than a national holiday, imagine it as a day to free yourself from habits, thoughts, things and relationships that have hindered your independence and blocked your growth. Often we find ourselves caught up in partnerships where we adapt ourselves…

At the gates of this beautiful temple, a sari-clad woman prepared her devotion to a tree. In the Indian tradition, much as in Wicca tradition, nature is an embodiment of God and a part of us to be revered and respected. The tree she worshiped was elevated and surrounded by a wall all around its…

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