Question submitted via Formspring: “The Law of Attraction teaches that we create our own realities by attracting like things/events to us based on our feelings. So does that mean that the victims of crimes are are attracting those crimes to them. It seems like blaming the victim. :(” We have talked about the Law of…

“We hope vaguely, but dread precisely.” Paul Valéry Really, worry is more than a habit, it is an addiction. If you don’t know how we can get addicted to emotions, I HIGHLY recommend you watch ‘What The Bleep Do We Know; you can see it for free here (you’ll need to download their player first, but it’s…

“A pessimist is one who feels bad when he feels good for fear he’ll feel worse when he feels better.” – Anonymous A friend of mine asked me to help her beat her pessimism, so I decided to dedicate today’s article to the topic. So first, what is a pessimist? For our purposes, a pessimist…

“Many of us crucify ourselves between two thieves – regret for the past and fear of the future.” -Fulton Oursler Is there anything you want to do, but just don’t? Is there anything you know you NEED to do, but just don’t? Is there anything you wish you could change about yourself? In dealing with…

The Root of pain is Attachment; this is the second Noble Truth. -Buddha As I have mentioned in the past, Los Angeles has quite a few bitter, unhappy people in it. Because for whatever reason, their goals have not manifested in the time and way that they would like. And along with an understandable sense…

There have been a handful of times in my life when I felt like certain things were ‘given’ to me by a higher power, and all I had to do was get it out and written down. This is one of those pieces. I originally ‘received’ this, right after my ‘Gnostic Theism; Or, Digital Spirituality‘…

Today is Thanksgiving here in the U.S., but I want to take some time out from cooking turkey to have a quick talk about what you’re grateful for. First, let me say that even though Thanksgiving is set aside as a day to give thanks you should take some time every day to review all…

People often ask me what I personally believe; what follows is the sum total of my life experience, as well as spiritual and philosophical thought…so far at least. The points below came to me suddenly, or were ‘received’ over a period of a few days. I have not changed them, other to correct some grammar…

(Unedited) question submitted by Formspring: “I want to believe that the world is good, but I see crime in my city and neighborhood. Is my fear attracting crime to me and my city? And how do I let go of this fear and have faith in a friendly universe?” “What you resist, persists” -Carl Jung…

Hello! So last time we made some goals, it’s time to put it into action. Before we talk too much about making a plan, I want to clarify some things. I recently wrote an article on how to make the Secret / Law of Attraction work every time, and I think it’s relevant to what…

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