Angels on Your Shoulder

Feast days or holy days are celebrations that commemorate the sacred mysteries. For hundreds of years, millions of people have celebrated this feast so we can use that energy to tune into and celebrate our Guardian angels.

I find that the quality of life is vastly improved by the type of questions we ask ourselves.

I ride my bike along the waters edge each day and see so many ordinary angels. I watch the parents walking with their young children, teaching them about life. I watched a young mother teach her young boy about kindness and gentleness while they feed the birds.

Aloha, I began writing my post for today about Hinduism and then noticed the date, September 11th.  I still vividly remember waking up that day and checking my e-mails. For some reason, my e-mail program had developed a quirk; it would first show me the major news headlines for the day and then give me…

Buddhism teaches us to align ourselves with our spirit and from that perspective there is nothing to fear because we are immortal, eternal and infinite.

Here are some quotes from A Course in Miracles about fear that I find most helpful. Over and over again the course reminds us that fear is simply the lack of love.

The third Friday of the month is dedicated to ordinary angels. This month I honor Soldier's angels, people that save the life of a badly wounded horse and share pictures and angels swimming.

Depending upon how we look at failure it can actually be a very beneficial experience, one that will actually make success and happiness more likely in the future.

Explore some of the ancient wisdom of the Tao to help you learn how to live fearlessly in the face of fear.

Fear can stop you from realizing your dreams or propel your toward the life of your dreams. Learn five ways you can overcome your fears and use them to improve the quality of your life.

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