Angel Guidance

This is a magical time. Make a wish and enjoy its manifestation. Regardless what is happening around you, you still have the power to hold positive thoughts for yourself and your life and make a wish. Erase any doubt should you find it creep in, then replace it with your wish. Offer Gratitude Say an…

When you offer your thanks and gratitude in ceremony before you receive, more is bestowed upon you. Make offerings to the earth, to the sea, to the waters, for all that has been given to you before you partake in the earths bounty. Ceremony and ritual are ways to make this possible and therefore create…

The angels often send us feathers as signs, or perhaps it is because feathers come from wings which we associate with angels. I do often get asked about the meaning colour with the feathers so I thought this was the perfect forum. Our angels send us signs to let us know they are listening and…

Have you been feeling a bit out of sorts? Have you been longing for something from the past, or perhaps weary from your journey and longing for greener pastures or perhaps even the love of Home? The angels love to remind us that Home is truly where you are. Find the heart in where you…

This is a time of great change for all beings of planet earth. Everything and everyone is changing, from your weather patterns to the tiniest of insects. We don’t always see the gift that change brings into our lives. Ask your angels to help you see the bigger picture Change brings great blessings, and helps…

This is a good time to look at your life and look around you and see the many wonders the world and having a human experience has to offer us. It is time to trust in the Universe and  renew your passion for life. The angels like to remind me that every situation or person…

Sometimes life can seem a bit overwhelming and sometimes it isn’t even about you, you are just reacting to the energy around you. If you can just take a moment, take a break, and take a breath, it affords you the opportunity to respond, instead of react. It is when we react that we often…

The angels say, “Dream Big first, then look at ways you can start making them happen in little ways!” Very often when humans are sending out there wishes to the angels they cut off what they are actually wanting in their asking. The other night I was over at my friends house having dinner and…

When my mom goes out of town I stay at her house as one of her dogs is a rescue that would not do well in the city. She lives on acreage and it is always a nice respite from the energy. I like to call it ‘the bush’ as it is out of cellular and…

Focus your intention on seeing only love within your circle of family and friends There has been a lot going on lately and sometimes we loose sight of what is truly important. Don’t allow yourself to get caught up in negative dramas. Focus your attention on what truly matters to you and your life. Focus…

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