Angel Guidance

Step beyond your comfort zone today as this allows the growth that you have been longing for in your heart.  When you push yourself beyond your comfort zone you reach new heights in your potential. You can do it. Release any doubt as this will help you realize your full potential – it is good to be taken out of your comfort zone…

You are blessed with many angels who surround you, support you, and love you. The Angels are helping you right now. Continue to ask for help, and then accept it when it comes, and it always does – trust that this is so. The angels want you to know that you have extra blessings around…

See yourself and others through the eyes of the Angels, with unconditional love and acceptance. In this way, you inspire and lift everyone and everything to a higher potential and this also includes you. See yourself through your Angels’ Eyes and you will see someone who is a perfect part of the Creator. The Angels have…

Use your natural healing thoughts to help to heal the world and know that a kind word or loving action make the biggest difference. Everything has the ability to be healed in some way. Often it is how we see healing that must change and change our expectation about what that looks like. Let us assume that…

Affirmations are powerful tools that can help you transform your life. When stated in the “I” and focused upon that which you desire, it will begin to shift your life. When you set your intentions and use affirmations, you are taking action to shift and change your reality and past programming. Don’t worry about how to…

We don’t always take the time to recognize our lives and what is important. Today the angels want us to remember the gift of each day, to acknowledge that gift and to offer our gratitude for it as it will never come your way again with the same opportunities that today offers you. The angels…

Be the magical light that you are! The angels wish to remind you that everyone and everything is made of omnipresent Creator energy and that includes You! Each of you has this beautiful light that dwells inside of you that is connected to love, the Creator and All that Is. Your Angel guidance is to nurture this light and let…

You are becoming more sensitive to the energies and the emotions  right now and this has been a very energetic time for planet earth. Honour yourself, honour your feelings. Shed what you do not need and make way for the new to enter. Pay close attention to the loving guidance you hear inside of your…

To help you to manifest rapidly, think of your desire while you chant, hum, sing, or play music. Call upon Archangel Sandalphon to assist you. When you call in his light, you often find yourself swaying to the music that no one else hears. He is magical in helping you feel this subtle energy and…

These contracts are an important part of your human journey. You come to earth with a beautiful group of souls that help to support each other during your earthly journeys. There are many such souls traveling with you on this adventure you call life. During your lifetimes you have many contracts of friendship and support with…

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