Step beyond your comfort zone today as this allows the growth that you have been longing for in your heart.  When you push yourself beyond your comfort zone you reach new heights in your potential.

You can do it. Release any doubt as this will help you realize your full potential – it is good to be taken out of your comfort zone – it won’t last forever and resistance to change only brings more confusion in the energy around you.  When you make the necessary changes, watch what you can achieve when you finally give in to the process and stop resisting what you have been trying to achieve.

Now is the time for you to shine, and this process of change will help to create energy and strength for new projects, new loves, new friends and a new purpose in life. Begin  by releasing the old so that all that you desire to create has room to grow.

Your angel guidance is to follow that nudging within your heart to speak your truth with love and strength. Your angels stand beside you and assist in guiding your words as you speak from your heart. Connect to your still, quiet center and listen to the wisdom of your soul star located just behind your heart. This is that part of you that is filled with love, understand, and compassion for all things, including you, and it is time to utilize the power of this energy and walk the path of the wise ones.

Tons of love, Sharon and the angels xoxox


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