
Fredrick Legrand COMEO / Shutterstock.com
  • Faith: Unknown
  • Career: Public Figure
  • Birthday:  May 14, 1984

Mark Zuckerberg is currently the world's youngest billionaire. The Facebook creator and leader took the internet by storm with his fresh social media approach and continued innovation. Zuckerberg was raised in New York in a Jewish family, even having a Barmitzvah. However, at age 13 he has described himself as an atheist, even listing himself as an Atheist publicly on his Facebook page. In 2016, he had a change of heart and posted "now I believe religion is very important." He was named Time's Man of the Year in 2010 for his contributions to technology and networking. He is the 5th richest man in the world, however Zuckerberg and his wife they would give the majority of their wealth over the course of their lives to "advancing human potential and promoting equality" in the spirit of The Giving Pledge.

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