I was reading again this morning the story of Nicodemus. You remember it, don’t you?  The fellow who came to Jesus at night, full of affection for Jesus, but full of questions and confusion, too. Why at night? Why did he come at night instead of during the daylight hours? “Because he was a secret…

“Stop striving to be important.” Good advice from Mark Nepo.  Hard as heck, however, to stop doing. Striving…seeking…competing…clamoring for the spotlight. It’s easier to see this stuff in others than to see it in yourself.  Ambition gone amok. Competitiveness gone viral. Who can stomach for very long the performer who’s always seeking the applause of…

All structures…foundations…all pillars of faith….in other words, all beliefs are uncertain, temporary, and they are not…I repeat…they are not the source of authentic faith… …if authentic faith is what you seek. Faith is authentic…genuine…most real…when it has nothing upon which to stand. Which is why I’ve always liked the picture at the top of this page.  It…

Over the years, I have learned to keep some of myself hidden from others. Do you ever do this? I’ve been like a “Lazy Susan,” as Mark Nepo describes it, “offering only what others wanted or needed or felt most comfortable with.” (The Book of Awakening, Sept. 17). Here’s how Nepo puts it: “What I…

I’m in a hurry and don’t know why… I was on a flight yesterday morning from Louisville to Sarasota to visit with clients. Sitting on the plane just before takeoff, I looked out the window at the massive wing reaching out on either side of the fuselage like a mighty eagle stretching its wings before…

When you pretend to believe things you really no longer believe and you do so… …Just to please those whose friendships you’re afraid you might lose; or, because… …You fear their judgments of your admission or, worse… …The thought of their rejection of you is too painful to bear… Know this, my friend, you have…

I am frequently asked, “Why do you meditate…pray…or, for that matter, write so much about spiritual things?” It’s who I am. How could I be otherwise? I’ve tried for years to be what others have wanted and, frankly, I’ve grown weary of it. I’m not here to entertain you…or please you…or dance around some ring…

OK, so this is all a little weird to me. My first blog as a blogger with BeliefNet. And, it feels like I’m starting all over. Which of course I am. Which makes it all the weirder. Which of course it is. I mean, how do you just start up a new blog? I’ve been…

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