Safe Place with Ruth Graham

A friend of mine called me to ask if I would give a devotional or a word of encouragement to a local Friday morning group. I told him, “No, I am just depleted. I am on empty.” He understood and did not press. We went on to talk of other things…but I felt the Lord…

We live in a broken world. We suffer brokenness on many different levels. Emotionally, we have severed relationships that break our hearts. Spiritually, we are alienated from God. We tend to fear Him rather than love Him or we choose to ignore Him. Physically, many of us are broken by illnesses and pain. My granddaughter…

Gratitude seems to be almost art these days. It seems everyone – well most of us – expect things. But this is a week where we are given time to reflect and enjoy gratitude – or we should. What does gratitude mean? The dictionary says it is a quality or feeling of being grateful or…

Freedom. What a great word! It means: “the state of being free or at liberty rather than in confinement or under physical restraint; exemption from external control; the power to determine action without restraint; independence”. We celebrate our national freedom on July the 4th. It is a day to commemorate our freedom from Britan’s tyranny.…

Father’s Day is Sunday! A day to celebrate all the fathers in our lives. Maybe yours was not so good. Maybe even cruel. Neglectful. Abusive. Absent. Maybe Father’s Day is something you want to skip over. Please remember you have a perfect Heavenly Father who adores you. Loves you unconditionally. He thinks you are wonderful.…

During the pandemic I decided to read the Old Testament prophets starting with Jeremiah who is one of my favorites. There are those who think the Old Testament is harsh and God is angry and cruel. I don’t see Him that way at all. I see a loving God who is trying to form a…

I posted something similar on my Face Book page and I want to share it with you all. (I use FB to keep track of my family. I disagree vehemently with their censorship.) But last week when I went to the grocery store I was shocked by the rise in prices. I used together out…

Peter followed at a distance tells us all we need to know… Jesus had told His disciples that He would go to Jerusalem and there be killed. He told them He would be raised the third day. They just didn’t hear Him and understand. It was beyond their ability to understand, even though they had…

Just like everything else, progressive-ism has come to Christianity. Let me give you some bullet points about what they teach: The Bible is not the authoritative Word of God There is no such thing as Original Sin – man is basically good Adam and Eve are an allegory There are no miracles such as the…

What does Jesus look like? To be honest, we don’t know. Humanly, He was of Middle Easter descent so probably had an olive-toned skin. He was Jewish and probably had dark hair and dark eyes. I doubt He was very tall. So, humanly He looked sort of average. The Bible says, “He has no stately…

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