We live in a broken world. We suffer brokenness on many different levels. Emotionally, we have severed relationships that break our hearts. Spiritually, we are alienated from God. We tend to fear Him rather than love Him or we choose to ignore Him. Physically, many of us are broken by illnesses and pain.

My granddaughter was recently (the 13th) in a head-on collision with a tractor trailer. Horrendous accident and my granddaughter is suffering from so much physical brokenness. That will drag in the emotional and physical. But had you seen pictures of the vehicle she was riding in, you would know it was a miracle. God’s hand protected her and the driver.

It will be a long road back. Very long.

She is an equestriane. And at one time was nationally ranked. She was making plans for college. She is an EMT and excited to study to be a flight EMT on a helicopter. We don’t know what the future holds. But we do know Who holds the future.

And as we come to Christmas, what greater message than the message of Emmanuel, God with us? He came to our broken world and into our broken lives to redeem and restore. He is with us.

He is here! May that fact fill you with comfort and joy.

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