Oh My Stars

(Click HERE for more info on the month of October!) Here’s the most important astrological forecast of the month. Really? Yes! Why? Knowing when the Moon Void of Course is happening is probably the handiest of all the common astrological techniques. Learn it, make it work for you, and save yourself tons of unnecessary aggravation!…

Okay, so maybe you’re not a big Star Trek fan, but bear with me. I have an important astrological point to make. Then again, if you’re a fan of both Star Trek and astrology, try clicking here or here when you’re done reading this. There is a relatively unknown point in the Zodiac called the…

(Editor’s Note: Matthew Currie is unavailable today, having suddenly turned Void of Course. In his place we present Guest Blogger and YouTuber Weaseldamus! Click on each amazing prophesy to make it even bigger and more incredible!) ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Weaseldamus is a North American member of the Mustelidae family who is the reincarnation of famous…

The Moon in Aquarius for Friday and Saturday night sets the stage for pleasant and potentially productive socializing. And Venus in Libra is usually an indicator that potential romance isn’t very far away. But this weekend, Venus is square Pluto. Your wants and needs may be unrealistically amplified, and you might forget your manners as…

All this week, Venus in Libra is square Pluto in Capricorn. The sweet and pleasure-loving nature of Venus (which is particularly strong in Libra) is in conflict with the stern and demanding qualities of Pluto. You and those around you may be seeking comfort and affection — but your appetite for those things may be…

Dear EL: In Part One of this series, we covered the condition of your Jupiter, and its role in both “luck” and “happiness.” In Part Two, we got into the larger subject of depression, and in Part Three we covered how and why the transits that you have gone through and will experience might be…

The last time I wrote about Jupiter in Scorpio, I took a joking approach with the title and the first paragraph. Sometimes one sees terrible and inaccurate over-generalizations made by some astrologers when it comes to the nature of a planet in a Sign. Any group of people in any line of work can sometimes…

(Part One of this series is HERE) Dear EL: Please bear with me, as discussing this subject properly necessitates not one but two lengthy digressions. Rather than push my word count to the breaking point, I’m presenting my next set of comments into two more digestible-sized chunks. So: here’s some more vegetables for you. Dessert…

Ha! Just kidding. But when something as major as a planet changing Signs occurs, there is a tendency to take the nature of the planet, weld it to the nature of the Sign and just throw out some basic statements. Jupiter enters Scorpio on October 10th, and since Jupiter rules things like committed relationships and…

(If you haven’t already read it, click HERE to read Part One of this series, in which I answer a reader’s question about the state of her Jupiter and her “luck” in general.) Now, on to the larger subject of depression. I do think there are distinct signs of it in your birth chart, but…

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