Elton Simpson, 30, and Nadir Hamid Soofi, 34, both of whom attended the same mosque in Phoenix, Arizona, turned up at the Curtis Culwell Center in Garland, Texas, Sunday in body armor and carrying weapons. Both were shot and killed by a Garland traffic officer who sustained a minor gunshot wound to the ankle. The…

Here’s an analysis of ISIS that places the bleme for its rise squarely on U.S. foreign policy decisions. “From Sunni to Shi’a, secular to conservative, Islamist to liberal, autocratic to democratic, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and his doppelganger of a Caliphate have united the Muslim world like no one else has – against them…. Though ISIS…

“Soren Esperson, deputy chairman of the Danish People’s Party, … derided pleas from leading mainstream politicians, including the prime minister, that Islam not be blamed for the violence. ‘Of course this has something to do with Islam just as the Spanish Inquisition, the Crusades and witch burning had something to do with Christianity,’ he said.…

It’s hard to imagine, but ISIS has committed an even more brutal atrocity than beheading its captives. It has claimed to have burned their Jordanian prisoner alive. There’s no need to point out — but I will anyway — why Muslims have such a bad image outside the umma. From the Charlie Hebdo assassinations to…

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