
I have two daughters. When they were born, I imagined they would be tomboys. They would climb trees and love to get muddy. They would wrinkle their noses at Disney Princesses, and consider Barbie dolls something to operate on, not dress up, just as I did as a little girl. My girls do love to…

Inspired by my prolific and generally impressive friend Sarah, who blogs over at Standing in the Shadows, I’m creating a summer wish list. I originally had titled this post “A summer to-do list” but that sounded like way to much pressure for the summer. So, here are a handful of things I hope to do…

Today was my last official day of work for the school year, although every teacher knows that we never really stop working. (In fact, I haven’t even finished cleaning my classroom.) At our final staff meeting for the year, we had a chance to see a beautiful video made by JESNA that was filmed in…

If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you know that I have a new picture book coming out in the fall – The Shabbat Princess. I hope to be visiting some Jewish book fairs around the country in November, but while I’m waiting for those invitations to pour in I thought I’d take…

This was supposed to be the new photo for my blog header. It’s great, isn’t? I mean, who wouldn’t want to learn more about Jewish parenting from a mother who looks like she is about to kill her children while at the same time grinding her teeth down to tiny little stubs? Anyone have a…

My daughter Ella is turning eight this summer, and will not be receiving her monthly PJ Library fix much longer. She’s also beginning to  consider herself too old for picture books. And while I disagree (I’m 43, and I still read picture books) I want to make sure she has plenty of age-appropriate chapter books…

Today I sent my kindergarten students home with a shopping bag full of their creations – lots of drawings, quite a few stories, some paintings, some collages, and prints, and, yes, a few math and spelling worksheets for good measure. (You know how Ramona sometimes wants to be allowed to color? Sometimes kids really just…

This past Friday night I organized a shabbat dinner for the families of my kindergarten class. It was primarily a social event, but also a chance for parents to experience what the children have learned about shabbat over the course of their first year at a Jewish day school. My favorite part of the evening…

Tonight I did something I haven’t done in a long, long time. I went to a show at the Iron Horse Music Hall, an intimate music venue in the center of town that I frequented a lot in the days before I was a mom. It was the 20th anniversary show for the band the…

My friend Alicia Jo Rabins, of Girls in Trouble fame (but more importantly to me, from “played fiddle at my wedding” fame) was interviewed on Tablet about the tradition of the Tikkun Leil Shavuot, staying up all night to study Torah on the first night of Shavuot. She likens the practice to the near ecstacy…

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