Kris Carr
"Burn maps. Get lost in the adventure. Uncertain + treacherous. Beautiful + heart swelling. The adventure IS the point. Get dusty."
When she was diagnosed with cancer, she made a raw, inspiring documentary called Crazy Sexy Cancer about her physical and emotional changes. Now she's a New York Times bestselling author who started a whole wellness revolution that is reaching people who want to be healthy and whole both inside and out. Check out an excerpt from her book, Crazy Sexy Diet.
Gabrielle Bernstein
"I’m here to remind you that happiness always wins."
Gabrielle Bernstein brings A Course in Miracles to life for the modern woman. Check out her Beliefnet blog and her interview on how she went from a party girl to a Spirit Junkie!
Christine Arylo
"You really have to love yourself first."
She's the self-confessed "Queen of Self-Love" on a mission to get women to fall in love with who they are. Read her inspiring interview on how a broken engagement launched her into a new love affair that changed her life.
Danielle LaPorte
"I want to be awake. I gotta be awake. I have to live a shiny life."
Set your life on fire with Danielle LaPorte! Her book The Fire Starter Sessions can show you how you can live a life full of passion and success on your own terms. Read her interview with Beliefnet!