As unemployment continues to rise and more people struggle to find work, it may be a great time to get creative and start thinking out-of-the-box. Many of our readers, such as Krollins, have been asking for prayers of support due to unemployment: “This is not only for my family who is suffering long-term unemployment, but…

(Today’s blog is dedicated to Terri and Zoey….who are well on their way to becoming powerful Money Magician’s.)Sometimes life throws us a curve ball and the world as we’ve known it gets turned upside down and inside out. Times when we’ve been let down, betrayed, or abandoned as if we didn’t matter. When this happens…

When money is seen as a solution for every problem, money itself becomes the problem.  ~ Richard Needham As a Money Coach, people generally come to see me because they think they have issues with money, which on the surface anyway, may be the case. But more often than not, a person’s money issues are…

I find it sad that Michael Jackson, the king of pop, died this week and most of the news surrounding his death is about his financial life…how much his estate dropped in value, speculation of his net worth, how much debt he had accumulated and who will get what. It’s tragic that this remarkably talented…

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