All structures…foundations…all pillars of faith….in other words, all beliefs are uncertain, temporary, and they are not…I repeat…they are not the source of authentic faith… …if authentic faith is what you seek. Faith is authentic…genuine…most real…when it has nothing upon which to stand. Which is why I’ve always liked the picture at the top of this page.  It…

J. S. Spong says this: 1. God is still envisioned as a “being” supernatural in power, dwelling somewhere external to this world, usually depicted as “above the sky.” 2. Prayer is largely an effort to manipulate God to conform to our wishes. 3. Heaven and hell are still largely “behavior controlling religious mechanisms” designed to…

I love these words of Mark Nepo in The Book of Awakening: “God starts in everything unseeable, but comes to us plainly in the things of this world.” And then, he offers this prayer: “Close your eyes and pray for the one thing you need. Breathe deeply until the prayer loses its words. Open your…

Once you embark on the spiritual path and begin to practice it regularly, there will come a time – it may be a few months or perhaps even a few years – but there will come a time when you realize nothing is as it once was and there is no going back. No going…

“What must I do to experience God?” That’s a little like asking, “How can I win the lottery?” “If I drop more tokens into the Divine Slot Machine, won’t that increase my odds?” Valid questions. But the methods? Not so valid. It could just be me but I am inclined to feel more and more…

To those who know me, it is no surprise that I was born with a WHY chromosome. Because I was so fortunate as to travel the world during my teen years…those highly impressionable years…I’ve seen things, heard things, experienced things that became fertile soil to my many questions. I was raised in a Southern Baptist…

Do You Seek God?  And yet, no matter how hard you try, you do not feel as if you can quite make it with God? I understand.  Which is why I write so much and so often about this. I have struggled most of my life looking for God…longing for God…but only occasionally ever feeling…

Do you ever long to know God? I have come to believe that knowing God is both an art and an art that is sacred. That is to say, knowing God is not difficult. But most of us make it difficult. Sometimes, the difficulty comes from within ourselves and, at other times, our religious conditioning.…

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