Your Best Life Now

In the Song of Creation, otherwise known as the Book of Genesis, the writer says of the first two mythical representatives of the human race, “And God breathed into their nostrils the breath of life and humans became living souls” (Gen. 2:7) What is the “breath of life?” Is it not the life energy, the essence…

“Much of our confusion in life comes from giving our attention too quickly to the next thing…” says Mark Nepo this morning. Ah, now that touches a nerve in me. It does some of you, too. Which is precisely why, of all the things your eyes might have fallen on this morning, they have fallen…

I coach professionals, business executives, and religious leaders all across America. There’s a little cliche, the origin of which I do not know, that goes like this: “You cannot get there from here; You can only get here from there.” What does this mean? It means to start from the end. In eastern philosophy, you…

Do you hear the birds singing in the quiet hours of dawn? For years, I have awakened between five and six every morning. It is my favorite time of the day. The world is filled with stillness. My mind is quiet and refreshed. It’s as if all I can hear is the silence around me…my…

I am frequently asked, “Why do you meditate…pray…or, for that matter, write so much about spiritual things?” It’s who I am. How could I be otherwise? I’ve tried for years to be what others have wanted and, frankly, I’ve grown weary of it. I’m not here to entertain you…or please you…or dance around some ring…

I’m looking out the window on a flight from Louisville to Atlanta where I’m helping a congregation redefine its understanding of mission and then recast a vision for their future. I’ve been reflecting on the meaning of faith. What is faith? What I realize today is that, more than at any other time, the confusion between…

Vanity…Vanity…(another word for “ego”) – Everyone’s problem but MINE! Have you ever noticed how vain we are? You, of course. Not me. What about the author who advertises he or she is a “Bestselling Author.” If you were really a “bestselling” author, wouldn’t we know that already? If you have to tell people you are, you…

I teach on Mondays at the University of Kentucky. The students today I find to be engaging, open-minded, and visionary. They keep me young, too. They call me, “Professor.” What they do not know is that, when I’m with them, I am really their student. Yesterday, as I waited outside a classroom where another course…

I was reminded today of the story Carl Jung used to tell of the dream he once had of a path he was clearing in the woods. With some kind of tool in hand, he was arduously working to clear a path when he took pause long enough to look up. There, in front of…

I find Mark Nepo thoughts so inspiring. His devotional today inspired the following insight. Enlightenment (or, salvation, or awakening, or whatever you’d like to call it) is not some lofty place of achievement reserved only to those who struggle, strive and only then arrive at a level of life and living they imagine as pure…

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