You Can Sit With Us   I paid the 3.99 honestly because of the title. The tag line said, “scares people out of hell, not scares the hell out of people.” To be honest the first few minutes in, I thought the acting was not good. However, my next thought was this message looks very important so I stuck…

As more reports trickle out in regards to the virus and the jab, I want to share this very important documentary with you. This is part one of a five part series.   You be the judge.    

I’m not sure if you’ve noticed but we are in a war for our beloved America.  This post probably won’t be popular but I’m not called to be popular. I am called to be the salt of the earth. There are many things I can say about the current administration running our country but it…

Hi all…. Hope everyone is safe and healthy.. We’re living in strange times but God is on the throne and sees all. Hang on, better times are close. I’m not going to talk lockdowns, COVID or the political climate. Instead I’m going to give you a glimpse of a new book I’m working on… I’ve…

CREATURE COMFORT. People want to know you care about them, that you’re not running game for a dollar. How do we get people to take action? What motivates people generally speaking? Could it be??? “It’s not what you say, but how you say it? Dale Carnegie once said, “When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing…

As we all know ( the entire world) there is a shaking that is taking place, a pandemic. People have lost loves ones. People have lost jobs. And some may even be feeling like they are losing their minds being at home confined. But I have good news… this is a time of reset. I…

The Thinking Processes of Sexual Predators With enhanced power, the predator reveals himself. by Stanton E. Samenow, Ph.D Behavior results from the way a person thinks. A person’s thinking processes largely define his character.  In considering how to prevent further victimization of employees in the workplace, it is essential to understand the mental makeup of the victimizer.…

This is a new story I am working on but this (potential) book is coming with such ease unlike the last one. I based it around the song, Earl from The Dixie Chicks. The subject matter is heavy but it’s really a satire. It’s Selah William’s wedding day and she confesses a monumental secret to…

I saw this amazing quote the other day that honestly says it all. I can allow my painful feelings to visit me without allowing them to move all of their shit into my guest room, leave their gross dishes in my sink and not pay rent. Hmm, resonate? We mere mortals are funny. We stop…

Last week I listened to a podcast from Dr. Caroline Leaf, Neuroscientist and Christian on healing the brain. The brain and the mind are not one in the same. We know that our brain is an organ underneath our skull serving to control and organize mental and physical action; much like an events coordinator. The…

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