We were recently at the county fair and walked down the row of games.  They used  to cost a quarter and you could win a nice prize.  On this day, I spent $10, broke 7 balloons and won a tiny little stuffed animal that was worth about $.50.   There were people all ar0und me dropping money on these games as if they were going to win a new car or a Hawaiian vacation.

People just like to play games; card games, scrabble, monopoly, carnival games, and all kinds of sports.  Unfortunately, some like to play spiritual games also.  These spiritual games benefit no one, but they do entertain the enemy.

Let’s play “dress up”” and all go to church.  Make sure we are on time and wear our Sunday best.  Don’t forget to smile and say, “Praise the Lord” a few times.  When we get back home its football and fighting, yelling at the kids, kicking the dog and criticizing the pastor’s sermon.

Let’s play “I’ve Got Talent…..and you don’t!”   I know I sing better than Sara and I can teach better than Elder Rick.   I can bake better pies than Mabel and prophecy with the best of them.   But don’t ask me to help in the nursery or clean the bathrooms.  That is for people less talented than I.

Let’s play “Nobody Loves Me”.  Did you ever hear that song that says, “Nobody loves me, everybody hates me, I guess I’ll go eat worms……”  Do you pout and ‘eat worms’ because no one asked you to write the Christmas play, or because Pastor Jones didn’t acknowledge you from the pulpit for your recent contribution to the building fund?

These spiritual games are not only childish, but dangerous.  We cannot reach our greatest potential if we are focused on these things.  This doesn’t bring God glory and can be hurtful to others.  We can’t yield fully to our calling if we are using all our energy and resources to build false dreams.   We each have a special place in God’s kingdom; and only we can fill that place.  So let’s not waste valuable time playing spiritual games.

Playing games can be lots of fun.  It’s relaxing and builds relationships.  It can teach good sportsmanship and honesty.  So don’t stop playing games; just be mindful of what games we are playing and where we are playing them.

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