Rod Dreher

Data suggest that the rich are different from you and me: Whether it is their residence, a second home or a house bought as an investment, the rich have stopped paying the mortgage at a rate that greatly exceeds the rest of the population. More than one in seven homeowners with loans in excess of…

The levels of toxic gases in the coastal air are so high that at least one scientist is telling residents they need to prepare to leave. Watch this WWL-TV report:If you haven’t thought about the spill in a couple of weeks, take a look at the compendium of reports and commentaries Favog has assembled. I…

In 2005, NYT columnist John Tierney bet a large sum of money with Houston oil guru Matt Simmons, on the future of peak oil. Tierney, a peak oil doubter, bet that the average price of a barrel of oil for the year 2010 wouldn’t be $200 or more; Simmons, a peak oil believer, bet that…

… that, as Bruce Sterling points out, we are closer to the year 2050 than we are to Woodstock. Fine with me; the further we get away from that cultural debacle, the better. But still. Today I was in a meeting at the office, and a colleague mentioned that Hall & Oates had played at…

As I type this, a nation of basketball fans are watching an ESPN program devoted to where man-child LeBron James, who is extraordinarily gifted at throwing balls through elevated circles, will choose to work for the next few years, during which he is expected to become the world’s first billion-dollar athlete. Like James Poulos, I…

A Chicago mom who is a university teacher and regular Whole Foods shopper got confused trying to leave the store one day with kids in tow, and says she accidentally forgot to pay for a jar of vitamins — this, after having just spent $40 on groceries. The store accused her of shoplifting and banned…

After 20 years with CNN, the network fired Octavia Nasr for tweeting that she had “a lot of respect” for a dead Hezbollah leader. Here she explains what she meant by the remark, and regrets what she said in the tweet, but that was too late. She still lost her job. And that is a…

I don’t want to make any comment about Sarah Palin and her politics — so don’t you even start in the comboxes — but I share Gail Collins’s puzzlement over Bristol Palin as cultural symbol. Just what are we supposed to learn from her example? Excerpt: To summarize: Bristol Palin is a teenager whose out-of-wedlock…

You may have read that a British investigative panel cleared UK climate scientists of Climategate charges (that they had manipulated data to support political ends). But it was not a complete exoneration. Climate scientist Roger Pielke had this to say about the mess: “The e-mails don’t at all change the fundamental tenets of the science,”…

While I don’t rejoice in her misfortune — on the whole, I’d rather she were living a good life — I am pleased to see world-class celebrity jerk Lindsey Lohan going to jail for a while. It is no bad thing to take pleasure in seeing justice done — especially when the offender is so…

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