It’s been a whirlwind here in Russia. We had hoped to post more frequently, but have encountered a lack of internet that has made transferring videos nearly impossible. They are coming soon! As we arrived in Moscow, we spent the first few days visiting art museums and historical sites like Red Square. And as the weekend…

It’s a day 15 years in the making. Woodmen Valley Chapel pioneered orphan care ministry with Children’s HopeChest. They’ve sent hundreds of members to work in the Mstyora orphanage. They’ve funded dozens of projects, piloted new programs, and expanded their work year over year. But, there’s one thing they haven’t done. In all those years,…

Eleku Peter, a young boy who is served by the Oditel CarePoint in Uganda, was recently diagnosed with large cell lymphoma. As you can see in the picture, Peter’s neck became swollen and painful. CarePoint leaders took Peter for initial testing which was later confirmed by the National Cancer Institute in Kampala, Uganda. Fortunately the…

Russia was the place where my heart was broken for orphans. In 1997, I took my wife and eight-month-old son to run a camp for 150 orphans in the Vladimir region. I was never the same after that experience. We met a little orphan girl named Anya who was ten. She became our daughter one…

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