Practical Spirituality

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Ok, so to begin, I am not a big fan of TV or pop culture in general, and while I think everything has its place in the world, I wasn’t overly interested in Lady Gaga a week ago. I certainly knew who she was and of course lots of her songs are catchy – but…

We were on the road to Malinalco, Mexico, when we came upon clusters of people of all ages walking along the highway. It was surprising and mysterious to me. As we passed families, groups, and individuals, I felt as if I were looking through the car window into a world I couldn’t begin to comprehend.…

Approach the world of spiritual practice with trust and an open heart. Don’t be afraid of spiritual experiences. Strange sensations of energy, a feeling of deep love, vulnerability, connectedness, and a loss of ego and control are all aspects of spiritual experience that test and try people’s limits. Such profound and healing encounters can trigger…

For the American reader, Thanksgiving is fast approaching. Regardless of the cloudy history of this celebration, it has come to mean a time of family, food and discount shopping – not always in that order. Naturally, it’s all to be sprinkled with a dose of gratitude and reflection. Before Thanksgiving this year here is an idea, set and intentional…

If you wanted to be great at a sport, a natural necessity in your training would involve first assessing what muscles and systems of the body you’ll use most, and then building an exercise plan around that information. In fact, you would likely need physical conditioning before you could even take certain risks, or take…

The world is filled with bright ideas, innovative solutions, and great opportunities. The biggest challenge always lies in finding your own motivation and willingness. In Eastern traditions, there’s an old expression about the journey to enlightenment. It’s been said that if you don’t seek your total liberation of heart and mind with the passion, focus,…

There is a lot of discussion today about bullies and the sometimes deadly cost of bullying in the news. Some wonder if the there is an increase in bullying, or if we are just becoming more aware of the problem. Naturally any time it becomes more culturally acceptable to come forward as a victim of…

You need to have fun–often! And you need to get out of your busy mind–often. Not only does it help to develop a playful attitude during daily activities, but you also need to schedule time to relax and be creative. The expression “Get out of your head!” sounds strange but requires little explanation. Think about…

If you want to understand the stars you will need to use a telescope. If you want to understand a molecule you will need to use a microscope. If you want to understand the ocean eventually you will need to get wet. If you want to understand the spiritual nature of the world you will…

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