Morning Tushkateers, Today’s fully loaded Kick in the Tush e-newsletter was inspired by a conversation I had with a client, who—for good reason and without ceremony—tossed the chocolate bars. (For those who are gasping, she actually packed ‘em up and gave them away. Nevertheless, they were “tossed.”) Chew on these 5 Points of Knowing, if…

How do you know that there is a future?  Seriously Tushkateers.  It’s not as if anyone has ever been there.  (Am I right, or am I right?)  Yet, we imagine that there is a future and we visualize this future based on our past.  A past, which no longer exists. If the past no longer…

Are there any Weight Loss Virgins amongst us?  Any Virgins out there???  I’m assuming not so many. But if you are a Weight Loss Virgin please do raise your hand, and yell out as loud as you can, “VIRGIN here!”  And if you are not a Virgin, pretend that you are one and yell out…

Did you know that your body is hereditarily designed to shift into fight or flight mode whenever you feel threatened?   In the old days (way old days), we felt frightened when the tiger eyed us as his next meal.  And that type of fear lasted until we were in the clear, at which time, we…

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