Do you remember the song, “Raining In My Heart“?  I do, even though it’s before my ‘specific’ time.  I wasn’t a teenager, but my oldest brother (10 years my senior) was and he loved Buddy Holly, and that’s putting it mildly.  He played his music, in particular this song, over n’ over again, until my…

I wake up every morning at nine and grab for the morning paper. Then I look at the obituary page. If my name is not on it, I get up. ~ Benjamin Franklin Howdy TUSHKATEERS!!!  How are you on this fine day?  Alive?  Did you happen to, a la Ben Franklin, check the obituary page…

Are you finding the “Feed Your Soul Project” as fulfilling as I am?  Sharing 200 Ways to Feed Your Soul (10 new ways each week) is soulfully challenging.  Happily, my unconscious mind has joined in the effort and is searching day and night all on its own. For example:  When I was sitting outside last…

Disappointment: The feeling of sadness or displeasure caused by the non-fulfillment of one’s hopes or expectations. This week, while working with one of my clients, she had a major aHa moment!  She realized that one of the reasons that she allows herself to stay stuck is because the last time she stuck her head out…

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