A Poetic Bird in Motion by Janice Taylor, Self-Help/Weight-Loss Artist

I wake up every morning at nine and grab for the morning paper. Then I look at the obituary page. If my name is not on it, I get up. ~ Benjamin Franklin

Howdy TUSHKATEERS!!!  How are you on this fine day?  Alive?  Did you happen to, a la Ben Franklin, check the obituary page and find that your name is NOT on it? And now that you are sure that you are alive (you are sure, yes?) … are you ready to get your happy on?

This week, we (as in Peter and I) stumbled upon a f*ree (yahoo, if it’s free it’s for me) concert in Central Park.  One of the benefits of being in NYC during the summer is that you are more than likely to randomly find great music any hour of the day, as did we.   It was an hour of jazz that featured a few old-time R&B singers.  The Bluesy Gal with the ‘mike’ asked, “Who here has the Happy Blues?” as she proceeded to belt out “Flip, Flop, Fly.”  I just love the expression … “Happy Blues.” 

It speaks to the difficult nature of life, the struggle, the ups n’ downs, and the ultimate decision to be happy!  Yes, happiness is a choice, and if you’ve got the blues, then you can simply “Flip, Flop and Fly!”  The original song, by Joe Turner, was released in 1955; then, by the Blues Brothers in 1978.  I kind of like this version – because I have a yen to line dance (been talkin’ about it for a few weeks now).  You think I could learn these steps by watching the video?  Maybe …  I digress.  Watch the video, line dance with me, enjoy and then let’s talk about “choosing happiness” and “choosing happy habits.” 



Dear OLofWL,  Two years ago, I ‘permanently’ removed over 150 pounds via gastric bypass surgery.  However, these past few months for reasons that are not entirely clear to me, I started to gain weight.  Actually, I do understand ‘how this is happening.’  I’m eating more.  In the car, for one; at night while watching TV for another!

The part that is a head scratcher is the ‘why’ of it. Why is this happening?  How did I or am I losing control? Is the ‘old emotional eating’ glitch back?  It’s a slippery slope and before I slip down and truly cannot get up, I thought I’d write you and see what you had to say about it.  Your thoughts? HELP!  Before it’s too late. ~ GastricBypassBlues

Dear GastricBypassBlues ~ First, let me say that I am NOT against GBS, or Lap Band surgery.  I trust that those who have undergone surgery have given it great thought and have had great counsel.  Nevertheless, no matter how you ‘lose it,’ permanent weight loss, healthy living, choosing happiness, creating happy habits still takes place in the mind.

Some time ago, a Tushkateer called me.  She was ambivalent about having surgery and wanted to know what I thought.  I asked, “What happens after your surgery?  What will losing weight give you that you wouldn’t otherwise have?   What will your life look like?  How will permanent weight removal impact on the various parts of your life?  How will you cope with all that change?  Beside eating in accordance with doctor’s orders, what ‘behavioral changes’ will you make?  How much structure do you need? What are the rules of your game? And let’s not forget the OLofWL mantra – All Is Forgiven, Move On! For surely, life will come along and no matter how much weight you’ve lost, you will fall off the wagon.  It’s a part of the process.”

Which I think, GastricBypassBlues, speaks directly to the first part of your “Chewing the Fat” email to OLofWL!  “WHY is this happening?”  Because that’s the nature of life.  Life is not a smooth sailing event.  Things happen.  While it’s good and useful to know the WHY of it, in this case, I’d focus on the WHAT are you going to do about it???

Here are 5 ACTION STEPS to help you to …
… ‘Get Up, Get Going, Get a Grip, and Get Happy”

1.  ALL IS FORGIVEN, MOVE ON.  Remember OLofWL’s mantra. Forgive yourself and get back on track, right now.

2.  FOOD IN YOUR MOUTH?  As I love to say, “Is there food in your mouth now? NO?! Then you’re back on the wagon!!!”

3.  RULES.  If you want to really rewire your mind (which is the only way permanent weight loss happens), then you need to set up rules that you can follow. Here are two suggestions (I don’t tell people what to do; merely suggest).


If you elimiante ‘mindless’ eating, then you’re 7/8 there!  Create “NO FOOD SIGNS” or contact me for artistic versions for sale, and hang them in our car!!!

4.  GET CLEAR.  What will permanent weight loss give you that you wouldn’t otherwise have?  Go deep!!!  Beyond health and tight jeans!  List ten things.  Yes, 10.

5.  HAPPY CHANGE.  When we permanently lose a good amount of weight, a great many things change.  How we eat; when we eat, where we eat.  How we look.  How people treat us.  How we feel about ourselves, and more … What has changed in your life?  What will change? and How are you going to handle those ‘happy’ changes?  Happy change is still change.

6.  COMMITMENT.  Look in the mirror and ask yourself, “Are you committed [to yourself, to your health, to manifesting what you truly want] or not?  Even if the yes is a soft, small yes, let’s start there.

Commitment is a big part of what I am and what I believe. How committed are you to winning? How committed are you to being a good friend? To being trustworthy? To being successful? How committed are you to being a good father, a good teammate, a good role model? There’s that moment every morning when you look in the mirror: Are you committed, or are you not? ~ LeBron James

What else might YOU need?  Write me/OLofWL!!! 

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FEED YOUR SOUL: Change Your WEIGHT!!! workshop – extraordinary opportunity!
September 16 – 19, 212

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Our Lady of Weight Loss

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Tushkateer*  A Tushkateer is a person who receives Our Lady of Weight Loss’s newsletter, called the KICK in the TUSH CLUB!!!  Sign up and receive her weekly e-newsletter with all the news that ‘fit’ to print, and you are automatically a Tushkateer!  How cool is that? :)

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