Oh My Stars

Venus is still working away and during her job even when she’s retrograde. She just tends to be focused on her business more than yours. But go ahead, call her for advice anyway… good luck getting an answer though… August 3-5, 2015: Venus conjunct Jupiter, square Saturn “Hi, I can’t come to the phone right…

It’s kind of a cliche, but still true:  the key to a successful relationship is communication. And it’s interesting to notice that Mercury, the planet most associated with communications in astrology, is also the most gender-neutral of the planets. Ancient sources refer to most of the planets as being male, with Venus and sometimes The…

(Scene: The baby’s room in a suburban home. DAD stands over the crib where BABY LUNA is crying. DAD looks completely exhausted and defeated. MOM, looking like she’s at the end of her rope as well, enters.) MOM: Any luck? DAD: (Signs loudly) Still can’t get her to settle down. I’ve tried everything. Fed her, changed…

As an astrologer, it’s my primary duty to look at a client’s transits and then provide him or her with my forecast. What my clients do with that information is entirely up to them. No blame, no judgement, just the facts. However every once in a while when I have a client who is heavily besieged…

A survey released in Australia recently reveals some surprising reasons why long-term couples break up. Okay, some of those reasons aren’t so surprising: physical violence being the biggest single indicator that it’s not going to work. But many relationships that survive for a while eventually break down (or hold up) in the long run because…

I’m starting to teach an online astrology course about love and attraction during this current Venus Retrograde, and what factors in the birth chart can enhance that. I already had the whole course outlined out in my head a while ago, and yet as I was just about to sit down and commence, I realized…

“Hath God forgotten to be gracious? Hath he in anger shut up his tender mercies? Selah.” -Psalm 77:9 Venus turns retrograde this Saturday. If you are familiar with the concept of Mercury retrograde, you know that it often a time when communications and agreements and short trips can go screwy for no good reason. But what…

I have some important news to break to you. The world is not in fact round. It’s not flat. The world is square. Okay, admittedly, it’s more rectangular than actually square, but it is defined by 90 degree angles. Think about it: think about how much time you spend on your phone or your computer or…

I admit it: I was a fat kid. Like, really fat. Anyone who’s been in that position themselves can tell you that childhood obesity is a lot more complex than most people realize. It’s usually far more than just “too much of the wrong food” or “not enough exercise” or something. Obesity is a complex…

In astrology, a conjunction is an aspect between two or more planets placed very closely together in the sky, like the recent Venus-Jupiter conjunction that everyone got excited about. How close together is a matter of debate among astrologers, but for my money I stick to within five degrees… unless the Sun or Moon are…

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