Oh My Stars

Your introduction to Saturn in Sagittarius (and details for the other eleven Signs) is HERE. I’ll update it every three months or so, so keep coming back! What’s in it for me? “Saturn in Sagittarius” means that Saturn is now in your Eleventh House and will remain there until December 2017, and regardless of the…

Your introduction to Saturn in Sagittarius (and details for the other eleven Signs) is HERE. I’ll update it every three months or so, so keep coming back! What’s in it for me? “Saturn in Sagittarius” means that Saturn is now in your Twelfth House and will remain there until December 2017, and regardless of the…

It’s the classic pattern I’ve seen many times: Saturn changes Signs, and for a little while everyone is scared or relieved or worked up somehow for a while… but then your life doesn’t either explode or become Paradise and everyone forgets about it. Then after a while Saturn makes a transit to your birth chart and…

It’s funny: all those Sun Sign romance guides out there seem to think that an Aries and a Scorpio together will eventually lead to something blowing up. I’ve seen this combination in the real world over and over again… despite advice from well-meaning paperbacks and columnists. It seems that the key to making this relationship…

Okay, I admit it: I picked the title for this entry because it’s a lot more exciting sounding than “Derivative Houses: An Under-Appreciated Astrological Technique.” But if you are learning astrology, the Derivative Houses Technique really is a great way to bring depth to your understanding of a birth chart, and demonstrates just how much…

One of my former astrology students kept coming back to me, years later, trying to make sense of her often-confused love life. What puzzled me about this is that, despite my rantings in class, she’d always start with the composite chart, not the two individual charts. And the more I pointed this out over the…

You’ve probably heard the old adage that “there are three sides to every story — yours, mine, and the truth.” This is a particularly important principle to remember when one is looking at the general nature of the Signs, and Sun Signs in particular. Beyond that, we also tend to have our own prejudices based…

Many an astrologer has spent a lot of time and energy explaining to clients how the energy Saturn brings is ultimately a good thing. It challenges but it strengthens, it hurts but it scrapes away the things you don’t really need, it scares but it clarifies, and so on. These are all good and true…

Every day, intentionally or unintentionally, people all over the world inflict pain on themselves or others, often either with the best of intentions or from simply not understanding the harm they are doing. I’m talking about the kind of pain which is the sort of thing that — if it is not addressed — can…

Warning: this is a story with absolutely no good guys. By now you have probably heard about the gigantic leak of data from ashleymadison.com released by hackers. If not, here is a brief synopsis. Ashleymadison.com is a website designed for married people (mostly men) to find a fling on the side. Yes, that’s unethical. Furthermore:…

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