Oh My Stars

Charlie Sheen went on The Today Show this morning and announced to the world that he has the HIV virus. This case is particularly informative from an astrological perspective: so much so that I’m going to present this blog entry as a running commentary on the interview. *** Matt Lauer: You know there are a…

Astrology is all about the patterns. Large patterns and small ones, news events and personal tales. Somehow it all works together and it all resonates. Did you finish your milk and cookies and brush your teeth? Good. Let me tuck you in and tell you a story. *** (we interrupt your regular programming.) This is…

Mars enters Libra on Thursday. This is an event of no small significance, even though Mars goes around the Zodiac about once every 18 months. One of the reasons this is so significant is that Libra has a reputation for being particularly relationship-oriented… and Mars in Libra is a particularly difficult placement. Mars is thought…

Last time, I discussed the nature of Libra in general, and more specifically Venus in Libra (CLICK HERE for it). As I pointed out then, Venus transiting through Libra (which it is doing between now and December 4th) is a particularly useful and powerful placement, but by the very nature of Venus in Libra, it…

I know an astrologer — no names! — who never seems to have anything good to say about Libra. According to him/her –no pronouns! — Libra is entirely in charge of things that are surface, dispensable, or somehow not necessary for the basic function of life. You know, all of those things like politeness and…

Pluto is going to be in Capricorn until 2023, which can make it difficult to sort out what effect it will have on your life on any given day, week, or even month. It’s powerful, but often subtle and long-term, and on those days you really feel it there’s undoubted some other transit going on…

Writing a forecast for a planet as slow-moving as Pluto is pretty risky. If you’ve got Cancer Rising and the Moon enters Cancer, we can say “you’ll be more sensitive but outgoing”for the next two days. But Pluto, which is going to be in Capricorn until 2023? How can you possibly be specific about the…

Knowing when the Moon Void of Course is happening is probably the handiest of all the common astrological techniques. Learn it, make it work for you, and save yourself tons of unnecessary aggravation! Seriously: you want to see what REAL astrology can REALLY do? Start by learning about the Void of Course Moon and then…

Dear Saturn: Maybe it’s because you’re in Sagittarius now (which has a reputation for being “philosophical”), or maybe it’s because your conjunct my natal Mercury and South Node right now (thanks, no really), but I’ve been pondering your role in people’s lives more than usual lately, and I have a question for you. But first,…

Isn’t celebrity astrology great? I could spend all my time talking about the transits my Uncle Fred was having once, but who would care? Whereas, if we can’t always relate to celebrities we at least know who they are (or can look them up quickly enough). That next door neighbor of mine who finally got…

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