Oh My Stars

(Please note: Matthew’s air conditioning has broken down in the middle of our current heat wave, and is in no shape to provide the serious dissertation on the philosophical and metaphysical underpinnings of Traditional Hellenistic Astrology as originally planned. In its place we present an overheated ramble on the fine art of producing Sun Sign…

One of the most important ideas in traditional astrology is also one of those things that sometimes puts people off from learning more about it: the concept of planetary rulerships, dignities, and debilities. What’s really interesting and useful about knowing what the planet rules what Sign is that it helps you understand the nature of both…

(This is a part of the “Ask An Astrologer” series) KG writes: “How can I use you?” This is an excellent question, KG, and since I know you have Moon in Aries on the Ascendant, I’ll give you the short answer, then you can peruse the details afterwards if you like. You can use me…

To: Maester Mikayel Lutin, Chief Astrologer and Keeper Of The Electrum Link, Casterly Rock From: Tyrion Lannister, Acting Hand Of The King (former), Master Of Coin (former), Still Breathing (eventually to be former) Dear Maester Lutin: I am writing to you from my cell deep in King’s Landing, where you have no doubt heard I…

I often find myself saying things like “the New Moon is a time to start something new” or “the Full Moon is a time when temporary tensions can make things break down,” or something like that. I tend to say these things because they are generally true, and are common astrological wisdom. But sometimes, we…

(Are you prepared for the craziness of this week’s Full Moon? Click HERE for the forecast!) Mercury retrograde periods are notorious for mis-communications of all kinds. As an astrologer, I constantly finding myself doing two conflicting things about Mercury retrograde: warning people of its perils, and assuring people that it’s no big deal. On Saturday,…

A Full Moon may not be the astrological transit that brings the big changes you need (or those you didn’t ask for), but the natural extra dose of tension that a Full Moon can deliver is sometimes just the thing you need to have a breakthrough… or maybe have a breakdown. This month’s Full Moon…

(More about Neptune… “Neptune: The Ultimate Nullifier”… is HERE) Many of you out there will have already formed a very strong opinion about the Bowe Bergdahl situation, and about the man himself. To many, he’s a traitor. To others, he’s a conscientious objector. To some he’s a victim, and others he is a villain. Personally,…

(For more on Neptune, check out “Neptune In Pisces And Penguins In Sweaters” and “Neptune in Pisces, Elan Gale, And The Diane Who Wasn’t There.”) When you do astrological readings for a living like I do, you soon learn how to spot the usual troublemakers that are making people’s lives difficult. There are the transits…

A great deal of what I do as an astrologer involves helping people sort out their love lives. What has gone wrong? Why did everything stop going right? Why don’t I have a love life? Why can’t I decide between this or that? Many an astrologer and counselor and poet have been kept gainfully employed…

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