“He who sells what isn’t his’n, Must buy it back or go to prison”
-Daniel Drew, on the nature of the “short squeeze,” 1902

You’ve probably heard something about the remarkable economic story about the trading of stock in a company called GameStop. As with almost everything about investments in the stock market, the details are fairly complex. I urge you to take a few minutes… or better yet a couple of hours… to have a look at the story for yourself and figure out what’s going on. I’m already going to hit my word count for the day just discussing the astrology of this matter, let alone laying out the economics, which has been done extensively elsewhere.

(Wondering what the next few months hold in store for you? Write me with your date, time, and place of birth — and I’ll send you a free sneak preview!)

GameStop, if you’re not familiar, is what’s called a “brick and mortar” retailer in investment circles: a physical location you go to in order to buy video games, in the mall next to the pretzel shop and the shoe store. It’s the sort of stock that Wall Street has generally soured on in the last year, given that malls are increasingly out of style and people are doing more and more of their shopping online.

Financial astrology is something I rarely dabble in — at least in the sense that I don’t tell people where I think they should invest. Wall Street is a bit like a casino. The house always wins in the long run, and unless your casino is very poorly managed, the laws of probability make it so that the house always wins in the long run. And you and I, dear friends, are not “the house.”

As you can imagine, the transits that GameStop is undergoing right now are pretty remarkable. If you want to look at the economic health of a company, you look at the initial purchase offer (IPO) date as the “birth chart. ” Thus, GameStop stock was “born” February 13, 2002, at 9:30 AM, in Manhattan, New York. And what amazing transits this chart is getting!

When it comes to the value of a stock, one looks at the Second House — just as the Second House of a person’s birth chart tells us about their cash on hand. And when we look at the GameStop chart with Whole Sign Houses (because we don’t care about its “personality,” we care about what’s observable), we see that the Second House is Taurus, ruled by Venus, and Venus is strongly placed in Pisces. So far, so good… but what’s triggering this boom now?

GameStop’s Venus is ruled by Neptune. Its natal Neptune is currently receiving a conjunction from transiting Jupiter, and transiting Uranus is square that Neptune (while travelling through GameStop’s Second House. And Mars is passing through that Second House now too, and adding to the square to natal Neptune. Net result? Wild, unpredictable growth in value.

(Or maybe it’s because a plucky group of Little Guys learned how to “stick it to The Man” for fun and profit. Astrology and reality work together — not independently)

Let me tell you why I think that this is a very important thing to pay attention to, above and beyond simply this one news story about this one company.


Back in March of last year, I speculated that the real Big Impact of the Saturn-Pluto conjunction was not simply “COVID-19,” and perhaps not even the short-term economic crash that happened because of it. I was of the opinion back then that this represented an adjustment to what happened the last time that conjunction occurred, in late 1982. That was when Reaganomics (“trickle down economics”) really started to take hold in the world. It began an era of tax cuts and big breaks for people at the top, based on the assumption that “a rising tide raises all the boats.” Or, if you prefer: if a wealthy person pays less in taxes, he can afford an extra yacht. This in turn should be good for all the people who make yachts for a living, right…?

And here we are now, a year after the Saturn-Pluto conjunction. Saturn square Uranus is beginning to kick in, and the wreckage of the Saturn-Pluto conjunction is being reassembled in strange and unpredictable ways. A small band of rebels have found a way to leverage the system against itself. In a sense, it’s like the wealth redistribution that socialists clamour for, but arriving in an unexpected form.

And in case you’re asking, no I will not comment here on whether or not I get deep satisfaction out of the idea that major investment companies on Wall Street are in a blind panic about this, and there are now hugely wealthy hedge funds on the verge of bankruptcy because of it — all because a few smart people got together and played by the same rules that have benefited Wall Street for decades. But I’ll bet you can guess how I feel about it.

I am advising all of you to stay tuned. We are entering some wild and unpredictable waters, but potentially with excellent results for the vast majority of us.

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