I have just authored a guest blog on Shambhala SunSpace, the blog of the Shambhala Sun. Thanks to Rod Meade Sperry and my publicist at Wisdom Publications, Joe Evans, for inviting me to post. The guest blog is entitled: Mindfulness for Pain and “FOMO” and comments upon an article on pain in the latest issue…

Meditation. What images does this word bring to mind? It mind be a saffron-robed longhaired Indian swami or a seated and smiling Buddha. While the mention of the word meditation may evoke exotic images, it can also be more accessible and approachable than you might think. In fact, I would suggest that all athletes have…

Shinzen is one of the world’s most unique meditation teachers and he happens to live in Vermont. That’s very fortunate for us here and fortunately for everyone else, Shinzen travels around the country offering retreats and has a YouTube channels with talks and interviews (see below). He has a very approachable, structured, and fun way…

The Buddha used metaphors as upaya, which translate to skillful means. One Buddhist scholar said, “The Buddha’s skill in teaching the Dharma, demonstrated in his ability to adapt his message to the context in which it was delivered. Parables, metaphors, and similes formed an important part of his teaching repertoire, skillfully tailored to suit the…

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