Mark D. Roberts

God is Not Watching Us From a Distance Psalm 34:1-22 The LORD is close to the brokenhearted;      he rescues those whose spirits are crushed. Psalm 34:18 Two decades ago, the song “From a Distance” streaked to the top of the charts. Bette Midler’s moving version of this song not only sold in the millions,…

Today, I was exploring The High Calling, a website that features “Everyday Conversations About Work, Life, and God.” As I read several articles, I was struck by a curious overlap in content, an intersection of ideas that spoke incisively to me. I began with “The Work of a Handyman” by Philip Faustin. The author reflects…

Three weeks from now, many Christians will gather for services on Ash Wednesday. Thus will begin the season of Lent, a six-week time of preparation for Good Friday and Easter. Over the years, I have produced a variety of online resources to help people understand the deeper meaning of this time of the Christian year.…

Today, I read a deeply moving story and I want to commend it to you. It was written by Gordon Atkinson, a former pastor and engaging author who used to blog as the Real Live Preacher. It is a story that will touch your heart and challenge you to think about how you are living…

Yes, I admit that the USA Today headline caught my eye: “Start Up Indiana Church Uses Sex to Sell Message.” So what’s the story? New Day Church, a new church in Indiana, is using a marketing campaign that features ads that ask: “What happens when God gets between the sheets?” The church is using their…

I’m feeling cranky about 3-D movies. Yes, I know they’re the latest fad. But I’m hoping, like most fads, this one will soon pass away. I’ve never been a big fan of 3-D movies, ever since I saw Jaws 3-D in 1983. I just didn’t appreciate having a strangely colored and proportioned Great White Shark…

The Best Hiding Place of All Psalm 32:1-11 For you are my hiding place;      you protect me from trouble.      You surround me with songs of victory. Psalm 32:7 When I was a boy, one of my favorite games was Hide and Seek. I learned it by playing with my dad when I was…

Yesterday’s Wall Street Journal featured an article called “Doing God’s Work – At the Office.” It examined the growing movement among Christians to see their work, yes, even their work in secular business, as an opportunity to serve God.  Their mindset is captured by Dave Evans, co-founder of the videogame giant Electronic Arts and a…

Are you getting tired of technology hype? I am. What am I talking about? The tendency for people – especially those in the media, both old and new – to get overly excited about new technologies, losing perspective in the process. For example, yesterday I blogged about a new iPhone/iPad app. It’s called Confession: A…

An op-ed piece in the New York Times alerted me to a new iPhone/iPad app. In “Forgive Me, Father, for I Have Linked,” Maureen Dowd describes one of the newest and most popular apps. It’s called Confession: A Roman Catholic App. This is no joke. It’s an app that guides one through a process of…

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