I have recommended the Patheos website here before. Patheos, which is substitled “Balanced Views of Religion and Spirituality,” provides a platform for people of various religious commitments, or no religious commitment whatsoever, to converse in a mutually respectful way.
Recently, Patheos invited several bloggers to answer the question: What/Who is God?  Each writer was allowed a maximum of 100 words. The writers spanned the religious spectrum, from Muslim to Hindu to Buddhist to Mormon to Pagan. A couple of the writers were Christians, including yours truly.

This was a hard assignment. I could easily write 1,000 words about God, or 10,000, or . . . . But only 100! That took some serious thought, discipline, and editing.
You can see my answer at the Patheos site. But, before you read what I wrote, think about what you might say if you had only 100 words to talk about God. Better yet, compose your 100 words and add them to the Patheos collection.
You can find my 100 words here, if you’re in a rush. But I’d encourage you to read the whole set, from the top. I find the various contributions fascinating and enlightening. They help all of us to understand the religious world in which we live today.
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