man at home

A person’s house is a reflection of them, whether it be messy or clean, big or small, it is full of memories, favorite foods, and your most prized possessions. How you keep it is your choice. But, when you’re having a new lady friend over for the first time– or anytime in general, there’s a few things you should always have in stock that will surely knock her socks off.

5. A good movie collection

While you and your boys may enjoy “Scarface” or “The Godfather” trilogy, chances are these movies are not on the top of your new lady friend’s list. By having a wide selection to choose from, she’ll be more than impressed when you offer a movie that might be of some interest to her and that you genuinely enjoy as well. A diverse collection of movies show a lot about your personality, and you want her to see that you are not just interested in watching movies with car chases and bloody murder scenes.

4. Food (Something not available in the frozen section)

A few boxes of Hungry Man TV dinners and some frozen pizzas may fill you up now but it’s nothing you want to offer your new lady.  Show her how much she means to you and invest in some quality food that she’ll also enjoy.  Cooking for her is not a requirement early on, but stocking some snacks she might enjoy will help win her over. Keeping fruit, hummus and pita, or something with an expiration date will show her your maturity and interest in eating smart. If you choose to cook her dinner, keep a simple box of pasta, where all you have to do is open and boil. Top the noodles with your choice of sauce and Parmesan cheese, make a salad, crack a bottle of  wine, and you’ve instantly created a “you’re such a sweetheart” moment.

3. A Bottle of Champagne

Sure, you have a case full of Bud and a fifth of whiskey– but from the ladies’ perspective, this is less than a variety. To really knock her off her feet, have a bottle of champagne or wine chilled and ready to go. Not only will she be impressed, but she’ll feel special. Wine typically sets the tone for a romantic evening. While champagne is associated with celebrating a special occasion, therefore popping open a bottle of bubbly when the two of you are together will send the message that simply having her around is a celebration in itself. Either beverage you choose will both be well received.


2. Furniture – (something other than a lawn chair)

Ample seating is a must. Chances are she won’t think it’s funny if you have lawn chairs or your dirty futon from college arranged around the TV. Have a comfy place for two to sit on that will be conducive to snuggling and maybe fooling around later. It’s doubtful she’ll buy the excuse that you’ve laid out a blanket in the middle of the living room floor because you wanted to have an “indoor picnic”. While it’s self-explanatory for your furniture to be clean, be sure she’s comfortable once you’ve settled in. By doing a quick once over before she arrives to make sure you, or if applicable, your roommates, haven’t been negligent will calm any worries once she’s in your humble abode.

1. A Clean Bathroom

Nothing is a bigger turn off than fooling around in dust bunnies or walking on a floor covered in Dorito crumbs and ketchup stains. Chances are you anticipated her seeing your bedroom so you made sure your sheets were clean, and your floors tidy, but when she opens your bathroom door,  you don’t want her to think she’s in a horror movie. When a man takes care of his house, it’s a good indicator that he takes care of himself.  So, bust out the mop and Windex and make your pad somewhat presentable, especially the bathroom.  Be sure your counters and toilet bowl are clean and a fresh roll of toilet paper is available (on the roll would be a bonus point). You also want to be sure to remove any evidence of another woman’s presence, no matter how long the relationship has been over, such as lipstick or another toothbrush. Signs of another female will tell your new lady that you might be entertaining others when she’s not around.

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