Nous ne pouvons arracher une seule page de notre vie, mais nous pouvons jeter le livre au feu. We cannot tear a single page from our life, but we can throw the whole book into the fire. Amantine-Lucile-Aurore Dupin The US has decided that all forces who interfere in its plans to train rebel groups inside…

On ne voit bien qu’avec le cœur. L’essentiel est invisible pour les yeux. It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; What is essential is invisible to the eye. Antoine de Saint Exupéry Even as the negotiations over Iran’s nuclear program take place, threats are still issued by American leaders against Iran.…

Au bout d’un ou deux siècles d’exploitation se produit une véritable émaciation du panaroma culturel With one or two centuries of exploitation comes a thorough emaciation of the cultural landscape. Frantz Fanon In considering a new opinion piece for my Press TV column at the start of August, the most obvious subject of concern is the campaign of the US…

Bachar al-Assad est l’allié objectif des jihadistes Bashar al-Assad is the de facto ally of the jihadists (fighting to oust him) Francois Hollande Normally, I preface my posts on this blog with something wise from great French politicians and scholars, which signify the traditional place of France at the heart of all political history as a result…

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