Tous les arts ont produit des merveilles: l’art de gouverner n’a produit que des monstres. Most arts have produced miracles, while the art of government has produced nothing but monsters. Louis Antoine de Saint-Just One type of misinformation that should be watched vigilantly is the way Islam is endlessly singled out as a violent religion.…

On n’enseigne pas l’intellectualisme en une école. Intellectualism is not taught in school. Jules de Gaultier The idea that countries should welcome everyone and citizenship should be charitably extended to everyone also gives rise to the idea of “citizens of the world”. But is this idea noble, or even necessary? The hardest part of humanity’s change…

Tout le genre humain n’est qu’une famille dispersée sur la face de toute la terre. Tous les peuples sont frères, et doivent s’aimer comme tels. All human kind is but one family, dispersed over the face of the whole earth; all men are brothers, and ought to love each other as such. François Fénelon Tolerance,…

Une société sans religion est comme un vaisseau sans boussole A society without religion is like a ship without a compass Napoleon Bonaparte Should anti-racists condemn Black racism (where it can legitimately be proven to exist) against white people? Above: historic defiance: an African American woman defies state authorities by taking down the Confederate flag…

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