Une société sans religion est comme un vaisseau sans boussole A society without religion is like a ship without a compass Napoleon Bonaparte Should anti-racists condemn Black racism (where it can legitimately be proven to exist) against white people? Above: historic defiance: an African American woman defies state authorities by taking down the Confederate flag…

Le colonialisme n’est pas une machine à penser, n’est pas un corps doué de raison. Colonialism is not a thinking machine, is not a body endowed with reason. Frantz Fanon Should antistatists and anti-nationalists in the West condemn, ignore or support small nationalist causes in the non-Western world? Frantz Fanon: political theorist and key influence on countless Third…

La première maxime de votre politique doit être qu’on conduit le peuple par la raison, et les ennemis du peuple par la terreur The first maxim of your policy ought to be to lead the people by reason and the people’s enemies by terror Robespierre Should we be capitalizing the word “Internet” in our writing?…

Il vaut mieux hasarder de sauver un coupable que de condamner un innocent. It is better to risk sparing a guilty person than to condemn an innocent one. Voltaire To terminate any potential speculation about my reasons for no longer contributing monthly articles to Press TV’s website, I have decided to make the following post…

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