Mais les fausses opinions ressemblent à la fausse monnaie qui est frappée d’abord par de grands coupables et dépensée ensuite par d’honnêtes gens qui perpétuent le crime sans savoir ce qu’ils font.

False opinions are like false money, struck first of all by guilty men and thereafter circulated by honest people who perpetuate the crime without knowing what they are doing

Joseph de Maistre

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I would like to call attention again to the proven and effective route I took to publish and circulate all my ideas and works on the internet. My aim by making this information public is to help others discover the right publications through which to express their own views and knowledge.

One of the main reasons I am writing this post is due to my recent Skype conversation with Harry Danilevics on Sunday, 12 October, in which I negotiated his inclusion in the Mont Order club. During the conversation, he stated his interest in gaining connections and writing for other publications. Among those we mentioned were h+ Magazine and the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies (IEET) website

I am willing to assist writers in finding the best publishers, and the methodology I used for it is written down in a very accessible format in my book Make Your Own Headlines (2014).

The very short book contains only essential information, and is best used as a manual rather than a traditional book. It will be made free this weekend, 18-19 October, and so I invite Harry and all others who wish to exploit the information in it to download the book while the price tag is removed. The book’s full title is Make Your Own Headlines, Shock Waves and Markets in Six Months, and it is available for download from Amazon.

If you do download my work, make sure to leave your rating of the book. Also, if you have already downloaded any of my Amazon works, please remember to rate the titles to help inform customers at Amazon. If you will do that much for me, I could even write my personal thanks here at Beliefnet.

By Harry J. Bentham

HJB Signature and stamp

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