I was just talking to a guy about Valentine’s Day and was surprised when he said he dreaded February 14th. There was no special woman in his life and he and his buddies would probably drown their sorrows about not having a girlfriend with beer. I was surprised, since I always assume it’s women who…

This is post 271 in my series on the Law of Attraction in Action. You CAN use your power to manifest your desires.. I do it every day! Read all the posts in my Law of Attraction in Action Series to see how. Valentine’s Day is coming. Seeing all the hearts and flowers in stores…

DoorMats/people pleasers often have a lot of reasons to be that way, most based on circumstances they bring on themselves. Pleasing everyone is a choice, not an obligation. But it’s common to get angry about the repercussions from it , and you feel helpless to do something about it, because: •    YOU feel like people…

Self-Love Month is over but I’ll continue posting abot sel-love.you should still be working on nourishing yours. Carrying anger around with you hurts you, which isn’t loving. The antidote is forgiveness. Today my guest is Self-Love Ambassador Alice McCall  In her practice she has found Love to be a powerful healing force. It was intentionally…

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