I’m delighted to have my friend and Self-Love Ambassador,  Dr. Joy S. Pedersen, CEO and Founder of Express Success,, as my guest today. She’s a Licensed Spiritual Healer and Certified Spiritual Health Coach and Doctor of Divinity, who channels God, angels and others through automatic writing. Dr. Pedersen shares channeled messages regularly through www.AngelEnlightenment.com. She…

Recently I got free tickets to a show at the last minute and called a friend who I thought would enjoy it to invite her to join me.  At first she was excited but then she said she “should” stay home and get her laundry done. There it was, the pleasure-buster word—“should”—the one that cancels…

Trust is an important quality that we look for in others. It can be hard to trust if someone you trusted has betrayed you, or lied, or not done what they promised. But the one person you can count on is YOU! The more you build self-love, the more you’ll feel good about taking care…

Sometimes you have to make a choice between what’s best for someone else and what’s best for you. You may want to do what you see as ”the right” thing for someone even if it goes against what you’d like. People pleasers have an easier time putting themselves last, which hurts your self-love and happiness.…

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